Msn Errors Are you looking for Windows Live Messenger and MSN fixes? This is right place for you!
Msn Errors

Windows Live Messenger error code 80072efd

Problem description:

When you are trying to sign in Windows Live Messenger you are getting an Error Code 80072efd ;"Sorry, we were unable to sign you in to the .NET Messenger Service at this time. Please try again later. 80072efd"


Check the .NET Messenger Service Status.

NET Messenger Service Status

Remove any Internet Explorer proxy server settings

  1. In Internet Explorer, click Tools and then click Internet Options.
  2. In the Internet Options dialog box, go to the Connections tab.
  3. Click LAN Settings…
  4. Untick the Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or VPN connections) checkbox.
  5. Click OK and OK again Internet Options

Click on the Start menu, select Run and type the following:
regsvr32 Dssenh.dll Gpkcsp.dll Slbcsp.dll Sccbase.dll

Start Run

If you are still unable to fix Messenger, we recommend you to Download registry repair tool to fix your errors and speed up your computer.

From our experience the best registry repair tool is Registry Easy.


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Anonymous said...


I tried using all the methods you described above(catch file, manual, restarting, changing settings, etc.) but none of them worked.

I still get the same error code and I have been unable to sign in for a few days now. Any other ideas?

Anonymous said...

Its working for me.. did u run zip file?

Anonymous said...


im having troubles with it as well.

tried running the zip file, and the manual method.

says something about proxy and firewall settings.

dont have this problem on my other computer, only the older one on dial up :S

help appreciated guys!!

Anonymous said...

ive tried all that. still comes up with the same. This has happend to alot of my friends too. And its really unfair as our firewalls are all working fine etc.

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem since Saturday, and for some time I wasn't able to login to WebMessenger on Sunday, so today I decided to try the recommended solutions at imzers, even uninstalling and trying to make it work with a fresh install but it is not solved yet.
Hope someone can give more pointers to this issue.

Anonymous said...

daylightz - i have had this problem for a couple weeks now and i've tryed all options...but for some reason i can sign into an older version,, why is that? is msn workin on this needed

Unknown said...

I’ve also got the same problem. Our work LAN has just been set up so that we need to use a proxy, and all of a sudden Windows Live Messanger won’t work on my machine, although I have full internet access and Windows Live MEssanger is working on everybody elses machines. Also I can start up the default Windows Messanger that comes with windows and it logs in just fine on my machine using the proxy, etc. Just Windows Live Messanger does not log in. The only thing that’s changed is I’m connecting to the net now through a proxy server.

Also I’ve checked the firewalls, both BitDefender and the Windows fire wall and Windows Live Messanger is not blocked and should have full access. But even if I turn off the fire walls altogeather, Windows Live Messanger still won’t sign in on my machine, although the default Windows Messanger does sign in just fine.

Anonymous said...

Well i do have the samewrong message but i did a realy clumpsy thing og misstake i deleted a map called: Messenge wich lays in C:program and after i did that my msn has not worked

Anonymous said...

Having same problems. The weird thing is that I made no changes in my setup whats or ever, one morning it just told me problem with firewall or proxy. did all the things ppl have written around the web and nothing has helped.
yesterday I spend from 8 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon trying to fix it. Thought my computer might have been messed with so I decided to /C format.
Now I was pretty sure that it would work when I reinstalled windows and setup my network again. everything would have the standart settings and such. But it didn't I get the same error, I can get it to log in on occation but wont let me send MSG's to ppl and I cannot resieve messages.
One of my friends even came in play to help me with new suggestions, he is an IT network manager in a big firm and I mean if anyone can setup the network correctly or find a fault in the setup he should be qualified. Nothing has helped. I am afraid we all just have to wait for the new version of MSN. my problems started when I started running Version 8,1 all the ppl I know who is running 8,0 has no problems. (and yes I uninstalled MSN 8,1 and installed 8,0 but that doesn't help either. so I am just using webmessenger untill this will get some kind of fix ?

Anonymous said...

Well everything has been said before already..
Same problem, wake up one day and Live Messenger / MSN does not work for any reason with error 80072efd, been trying to fix it in many ways and nothing helped:
- reinstalled many times.
- checked PC for spyware / viruses
- tried different software (Trillian)
- tried older versions
- tried all the codes for "run" (example: regsvr32 wintrust.dll etc.)
- tried simple things like putting router / modem to default, reconnected all wires, kept it switched off for the night.
- cleared all history / cache / cookies in IE
- checked all the settings in IE like said in many forums
- checked all the settings in MSN like said in many forums
- reinstalled IE
- enabled in the Windows XP firewall, don’t have other firewalls
- even tried to create a new account, that didn’t work

Hm, I really hope this problem will be fixed, I had MSN for about 7 years now. The web MSN works fine, but isn’t even close to been good. I can log into the hotmail which my MSN was registered to. Skype and ICQ work fine. Internet works perfect.

I will be looking forward of solution to this problem. Thank u in advance!

Anonymous said...

Hey, i'm thinking, the first time I got the installation from MSN, I upgraded to version 8.1, the first time I downloaded it, it was corrupted, the second time I did it, the Messenger wasn't corrupted, but as soon as I opened it and signed on it didn't work :S so i'm guessing that MSN is messed with one of the inital program files :S

Anonymous said...

i tryed all of this and nothing worked it says something about a firewall but i dont even no what that is!! T-T !! so i cant fix it and ive even tryed things that arnt on this site and still nothing will somebody please help me!!!!! this is driving me crazy that i cant get on my msn

Anonymous said...

I'm having the same issue. The only thing I can peg it to thus far is initpki.dll and one of the win*.dll files in the solution. Registering both of them takes an inordinate amount of time on my machine - minutes rather than the fractions of a second for the other files. The only thing I can think is that these files are somehow corrupt or out of date and are causing a timeout. That would cause Messenger to think the firewall wasn't letting it out I'd think...

Anonymous said...

I had this problem too and nothing of the above helped me.
I later found out that my anti-virus program had a built-in firewall that caused the 80072efd issue.
I disabled it, and enabled the Windows firewall instead and now it's all hunky dory.
Hope this helps you guys.

Anonymous said...

try deleting your cookies and temp files in IE. worked for me

Anonymous said...

Mine had the same error code (80072efd) so I followed the instructions (At the msn messenger sign in window) Click "Tools" then "Options" from there click "connection", then click the "advanced settings" then I unchecked all boxes except for the one labeled TCP. I then exited from msn messenger then started it up again and success.

What Im wondering is how it got like that in the first place. Was it something I did?

Good looking out for the easy fix.

Anonymous said...

I did all these options like everyone else, and this ISN'T workin. This is crazy frustrating. If anyone figures this out, it'sll be great and much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

ive tried all the methods exposed and nothing works i try trouble shooter and keeps leaving Key ports with exclamation sign if somebody knows how to fix this i will appreciate some help tried the dlls the lan the restre all!! nogthing works

even downloaded the zip and all.. but zero!!!

Anonymous said...

I've just contracted this VIRUS... its definately a virus... i'm runniny 3 different PCs off the one router and two connect to MSN and can run anti virus scanner updates fine... the infected PC can't do ne of those.

i get the 80072efd error... currently trying to use uptodate virus scanners to fix wateva the problem is.... As anyone been able to fix this problem from a Virus/spyware point of view???

Anonymous said...

Windows Live Messenger Version 8.1
Microsoft LifeCam Version; I can see and hear my side and the other side, the other side can hear me but not see me. The other sides can hear and see eachother. I have uninstalled and reinstalled software. Ideas?

Anonymous said...

Thank you guys! Error 80072efd is so annoying. I just solved it! 80072efd

Anonymous said...

I had 80072efd error today. It's fixed now!

Anonymous said...

do tell

Anonymous said...

I had the 80072efd error popping up for the last week. It is now fixed... finally. I threw away my linksys router. It was working fine for about 4 months and then one day decided it didn't like MSN. Other symptoms were present as well, some internet pages were slow to load or would not open at all. I wish this someone would have suggested this earlier... I've spent countless hours scanning for viruses add digging deep into settings that did nothing. Hope this helps others.

Anonymous said...

Piece of shit messenger.. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't..

Anonymous said...

yay!!! its fixed!! ty very much!!

Anonymous said...

What browser are you using? MSN Messenger and other applications may be "hard-coded" to open Internet Explorer, no matter which browser is set as the default. If you are using Mozilla Foxfire, switch it back to IE.

Anonymous said...

i had the same problem, we just got our computer back froom eing fixed, and msn didn't wouldn't sign in, said it wasn't connected...i spent all day trying to figure out what was wrong...and the strange thing is that i put the time and date settings back to normal, so they were right again, ...and msn worked! was strabge how the time and date settings could stop msn from working........that was a few weeks ago...and someone sent this link to me.. and before it, they said "is this you in this picture?"....i clicked on the link...and ran the file, and then msn just closed, by, i can't open msn, without having this box pop up sayin to ether run, or cancel it....if you click run, it will take you to the proper page...but you can't sign in...i went to troubleshoot, and it had everything ticked, but the key ports, and it says that it's not connected again....i've spent ages trying to figure out what's wrong...but nothings worked...pleease help :(

Anonymous said...

""Anonymous said...
I had the 80072efd error popping up for the last week. It is now fixed... finally. I threw away my linksys router. It was working fine for about 4 months and then one day decided it didn't like MSN. Other symptoms were present as well, some internet pages were slow to load or would not open at all. I wish this someone would have suggested this earlier... I've spent countless hours scanning for viruses add digging deep into settings that did nothing. Hope this helps others.""

ive tried absolutely everything, and by that i mean a week of searching through expert forums..:S ure my last HOPEEE!! but can u explain how u do that, throw away the lynksys router?

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem everyone else did, when I chose to troubleshoot everything comes back fine, I did all the steps suggested. I also have a linksys router, I went into it, and reset it, and now my msn works fine again. Might need to replace my router if this keeps happening.

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem, and fixed it.

i turned off the firewall and still got the message. After playing around for a few minutes, i found another firewall i did not even know existed. Check programs that have firewalls like norton, and turn off the wondows firewall in internet options

Anonymous said...

I've been trying for live messenger 80072efd fix for months now - Messenger 7.0 works perfect by the way, first time I tried live messenger after install it never worked, then did the regisry dll updates, it worked, shut live messenger down again then it wont work, try the dll updates again and its the same - not working, firewall enabled or not!

Anonymous said...

oh my god this has pissed me off so bad ive done everything here and FINALLY....FINALLY something so simple as resetting my router works....WOW

Anonymous said...

Yup...same here, a router reset brought my MSN back as well...very strange...sounds like the hardware firewall plays havoc.

Anonymous said...

Well, now I believe this is the solution: RESTART YOUR ROUTER!!!

Anonymous said...

Yesss restart your router!! this worked inmediately after I reset the router. Great one guys!!

Anonymous said...

Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!

Anonymous said...

huh.. i really wanna use msn and ive tried doing everything but i just cant.. please if any of u found another solution email me Thanx

Anonymous said...

I had tried using Windows Live Messenger last year and there were problems so I had gotten back to MSN 7.5 beta.
But since last night when I want to sign it they say I have to update to Windows Live Messenger, I have no choice !!! :(
So I did it and then that stupid thing (sorry, I'm annoyed!) won't work.
I can't sign in, error 80072 efd !
I've tried everything people said to help, nothing worked !
Even when the stats say that I am connected to the "frame net" thing.
It's really annoying !!! Why didn't they just let me keep using MSN 7.5 beta ? why force me to update ?

Well, I hope someone can tell me in details (my first language isn't English) what to do ! thanks

and if you want to use MSN while the one you downloaded doesn't work you can with that link (no download needed) :

Anonymous said...

how do i restart my router???????

Anonymous said...

I have two computers in my house, both on the one router.
One computer has MSN live working with no problems, even with ZoneAlarm firewall.
The 2nd one, gets this 80072efd error, even though this computer has no firewall!

Is there an easy fix for someone without a firewall?

Anonymous said...

I had MSN Live installed and working before, for about 3 days.The fourth day it stopped working (without any other changes to my pc) with the 80072efd error. None of the fixes worked. I switched back to 7.5, worked fine. Today I got forced to update to Live again and I'm back to the $&*#^*&@^# 80072efd error. I have two other machines sitting next to it that Live works on.

Anonymous said...

Same problem here. Cannot use live messenger with my laptop at home. When I connect the same laptop to network at work it is working fine. My other computers at home are running live messenger perfectly. Don't understand what it can be. Doesn't make any sense. Please, anyone have a soluton?

Anonymous said...

My MSN is not working, it says my firewall is blocking it or something :S

How can i fix this??

Anonymous said...

Finally, I had to delete the program and reinstall it again. It blocks some of my active softwares like firefox, CA Antivirus, etc.
Then when I tried to uninstall that program (MSN) I recieve too many warnings like "The following applications should be closed before continuing the install: (Msn Errors: Windows Live Messenger error code 80072efd - Mozilla Firefox)"

* Btw, If you are running/using MSN v7.5 and you are trying to open/run an other one version of MSN (parallel) its not working for sure.
***Except if you will use an other MSN ID and the latest MSN version you may have is running successfully.

:: Uninstall your old MSN version, re-download the new one from the official website of MSN and re-install it again ::

comments (if any):

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,

I'm getting the same error code, but it doesnt say {Sorry, we were unable to sign you into Windows Live Messenger at this time. Please try again later.

Error code: 80072efd }

the error on my computer is a troubleshooter, i've tried repairing it, re-installing it but nothing is working.

can someone help me, i would really really really appriciate it!!

you can contact me on


Anonymous said...

Guys I had this problem for almost 6 months I tried to install windows live and uninstall a million times but nothing was working.... and none of the solutions were working.......anyways long story short... deleting temp files and deleting cookies miraculously fixed it for me... Thanks to whoever had posted that solution.

Anonymous said...

I started having this problem a while ago. I use a Linksys router... reseting the router worked out. For those who don't know, to reset the router, there must be a reset button on the router itself, otherwise, just turn the thing off for a while and plug it back in. If it doesn't has a on/off switch (like my shitty linksys) just pull the plug. It isn't the first time I see linksys routers having these issues, so go figure...

Anonymous said...


i have the same problem: 80072efd

and i don´t know what can i do

my gateway is offline but what can i do??!!and.. my lan-connection is not correct... i hope that a few can help me and try to tell me de solution a bit easy because my english is not so good... thanks

bye bye

here is my e-mail-address:

Anonymous said...

i just formatted my pc, installed msn, im getting the 80072efd, also firefox and opera dont work, IE is the only thing on my pc that will connect to the internet, its pissing me off, fucking microsoft shit

if anyone has info that can help, pls mail me @

Anonymous said...

My Msn isn't working anymore because you guys made Messenger 8.1 and it said I couldn't get on until I downloaded that. So I did and now it's telling me all this crap! I need help! Why is it saying all this? And if I got on it before I'm sure it's not because any of this firewall stuff. So someone PLEASE find a solution!!! It's SOOO frustrating!

Anonymous said...

Iv uninstalled msn and reinstalled it like a million times, ive deleted history, temp files, cookies etc...tried running the long commands aswell but still it wont work and i get the same error code 80072efd!!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!!!

email me at

Anonymous said...

Forget it!! ... i have had enough with this "CRAP" from Microsoft ... geez!!! .. completely ridiculous and no solution works ... i dont know why Microsoft does nothing after seeing so much about this in so many forums .. apparently "MICROSOFT DOES NOT CARE" ...

Anonymous said...

ohmifriggingod!! u guys are sayin 2 do all this stuff but apparently i dunno HOW to do it!! i am totally out with comps!! someone speak english to me!! please! it is soooo friggin tickinme offf!! mi friends r all fine!! ME!!! please help! whats a router? how 2 reset?history, temp files, cookies...? (@ least that still works.)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much guys. You save my life!

I have to bookmark this site :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Everyone or whoever reads this. Just reset the router. You can reset it or just unplug it. I did this and it works fine.:)
Thanks to you all!
Im bookmarking this page!

Anonymous said...

arrrrgggghhhh. i cannot do any thing. this is totally killing me. everything is fine but suddenly i cant log on, what is friggin wrong!? please. whats cookies or history or temp file someone teach me pplllleeeeaaasssseeee!!

Anonymous said...

hehe dont mean to be rude but.....
Thanks :-)

Anonymous said...

Solved it! My router built-in firewall was blocking port 1863.

Unknown said...

mine packed up this morning and i have tried absolutely everything i have read here all to no avail...... Strange thing is that I can still use my windows live homepage ! dammit i even deleted msn and reloaded from the page but still no joy ! .....Resetting the router made no difference at all though i suspected it wouldnt as my PDA works fine on msn through it. I'll keep checking back in case a fix does come up.

Anonymous said...

^ Have exactly the same problem since today morning.
Also tried all the stuff mentioned by you guys. Thanks for all the info, btw. Though I do use proxy, there haven't been any problems before, and I had 'proxy' checked all the time in my IE settings. I unchecked it now, of cause, but to no avail - despite of de-installation, re-installation etc etc.

So yeah, any new suggestions are very welcome

Anonymous said...

mine is still not working I tried everything my old default messenger workds

Anonymous said...


I got the same error code 80072efd. I managed to fix my problem by fiddling around with my firewall settings.

Your Firewall settings may be set too high and therefore might see Windows live mesenger as a threat.

Catch yas later

Anonymous said...


I got the same error code 80072efd. I managed to fix my problem by fiddling around with my firewall settings.

Your Firewall settings may be set too high and therefore might see Windows live mesenger as a threat.

Catch yas later

Anonymous said...

MSN died this morning, error 80072efd. I can't access the status page but all other internet functions work. Is MSN down???

Anonymous said...

I think so Dean... It happened to me today too.

Unknown said...

u'r msn is not down, check the date on u'r computer, mine was set up wrong and I coudn't get online with my MSN...

Anonymous said...

I did everything such as the LAN settings and commands but still not work. Then I turned my norton protection off n voila, lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks, the guide worked fine for me.
I had the error code other places than Messenger, like Windows Update, Windows Live, and my MSDNAA all solved with this guide.. :D



Anonymous said...

windows live messenger was working fine even with plus on it. i upgraded to 8.1 and i started getting network problems. ive tried everything but nothing helps. i have 2 computers in my house. one that runs on wireless and one that doesnt. msn doesnt work on the wired one. do i still have to restart my router??

Anonymous said...

All of your cures are here at Pidgin :)

Way more reliable and you can login perfectly fine with this and there are no call homes to pidgin of your data, they have been around for forever and a day, so use them and be happy!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

tell u guys a very funny story,
my pc had the same error, and when i use troubleshooter not once but more than that, sometimes it said they were NO problems! Then they will say got problem(key port)!
I tried reseting modem, clear everything so far and if it still dun work i am out of ideas.

Anonymous said...

I kept getting the same error code, i read through this entire blog about it, what worked for me was restarting my modem and router. After doing so MSN started right up. Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone
Had the same problem with all 3 laptops connected to the same router (a linksys BEFW11S4). The solution was unplugging-and-plugging back on. If this doesn't work, try doing a hard reset, that should do the trick.

it also fixed the problem with the pages that weren't loading :)

Anonymous said...

Well. Same things happened to me, but it turns was my firewall. The application was blocked by AVG.

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem of anyone here [of course]
but I figured out the problem
the messenger that everyone is downloading has a problem
try and look for messenger 8.5 beta

my friends messenger was working just fine so I asked him to send me the one he had and now mine is working~!

hopefully all of you can fix your messenger now

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone
back again
I uploaded messenger 8.5 beta

you can download it here

you need WinRAR to extract the files and get rid of your old messenger
bye bye

Anonymous said...

i cannot sign in to msn explorer ever since i installed the latest version of windows live messenger. Everytime i try signing in to msn explorer a message pops up msn messenger service is not installed on this machine and when i click the repair now button msn explorer closes and error report pops up. Can someone help me.

Unknown said...

simpliest thing to do is to get rid of your mcafee virus hunter for a day . your e-mail will work pronto

Miles said...

Does anyone know how to have you time and date settings in the past and still be able to run windows messenger properly? my email is any help appreciated.


Anonymous said...

You people never have any answers.
Why is that? Mankind created the technology. Why can't they tell me how to fix their own creation when it starts screwing up? Doesn't anyone know anything? Hello? Answers? Of course not, what did I expect?

I've read everything on this problem, and I've tried everything I can. All I've learned from reading any help files, FAQ, blogs, etc is that I'm having a problem that NO one has found a solution to yet - nobody.

Should I just never try using MSN again? Should I give up?


Anonymous said...

This sh*t cuts off my internet connection too and is really bothering me!!!

Anonymous said...

only thing you can do is: try to sign in on the msn version 6.1, I know that is a piece of... but it can be useful

Anonymous said...

-restart computer
-re-install software
-restart router
-restart modem
-virus scan
- run codes such as "regsvr32 Dssenh.dll Gpkcsp.dll Slbcsp.dll Sccbase.dll"


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Well wot can i say this is really annoying me i have had this for nearly a year now and i have tried everything and my computer is only a year old and im getting so strressed some1 plz help me sovle this!!

Anonymous said...

which is in theme your problem which error has number like?

Anonymous said...

that was worthless and who ever works on that prog doesnt know what there doing those two options given suck and dont help. for those of you who haven yet just reset your router or internet connection cause that seems to be the problem some times so there is my tip

Gnanavelu said...

Hi all,

i tried the above command, i get the following error GPKCSP.DLL not found.....

is some component missing as part of my OS?

Anonymous said...

this is ridiculous i am so mad!! reseting the linksys definitely didnt work for me and nothing else has either i have checked my firewalls a thousand times now and trust me ive spend about 20 hours on this in the last few days and since people have had this prob for a year its not looking good is it. microsoft is shit for making no choice but to upgrade msn and have these probs they need a patch or something to fix it!! grr!! thanks for everyones suggestions anyway, way more helpful than microsoft...

Anonymous said...

I have had this problem a couple of times, each time I have gone in to internet opions and deleted all of my browsing history, that has cleared up the problem both times.

Gnanavelu said...

Hi Guys,

i got this problem when i ran my system with two antivirus installed.... i thought i disabled one but no use.... you cannot have more than one antivirus.... until your sure about what effects its going give you......

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, mine started working after i unchecked the proxy thing in Internet Explorer. Try that. Trust me, it does work :D. Btw, don't know how the proxy got there =S

Anonymous said...

This problem occurred for me after trying to install drivers for a printer, driver installation failed and so did msn,
read a post here saying to reset the router, did that and msn allowed me to sign in straight away.

Thanks for the help ;)

Anonymous said...

shit shit shit nothing works problem much deeper internet explorer does not work either but btyahoo browser does.

Anonymous said...

Hiya everybody!
I had the same problem... 80072efd
It turns out it was my fire wall. Not my windows one coz its not even turned on, it was my norton internet security one which kept blocking it.

Anonymous said...

FIXED MINE! HAH! At last!!! I had this problem to, and did just about every bit of software tweaking, command line running, virus scanning etc etc under the sun. Everything with my internet was working BUT msn, leading me to believe it was actually MSN's problem. But no...someone here mentioned their router. My router is also a Linksys... I reset it, everything works just fine now. I wish I had tried that like 3 hours ago.

Anonymous said...

i'm here posting the 100th comment, marking me as the 100th person who has this problem... maybe. so, i tried resetting my router and it still didnt work, how can i access the firewall to my router or maybe antivirus? i am using symantec antivirus.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, any one of you have Kaspersky, I think he should turn off after that the messenger will be workinregards

Unknown said...

heyy everyone.. i got sam problem!
plisss plissss tell me how to fix that Error Code 80072efd!!

pliss tell me how to make it fine againn..

if somebody hear me plis add my yahoo msg in to help me..

i realy2 need your help buddy.

im going crazy.. :(

Unknown said...

plissssssssssssss somebodyyy telll meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

i need your helppp :(

Anonymous said...

i cannot sign in to wlm , and i also cannot open . can someone help me ?? :)

Anonymous said...

can someone help me ? i can't sign in to my msn and i can't open msn home page . please email the solution to me :: . thx b4 . i need ur help :(

Anonymous said...

guys , please help me . . . since 25 june 2008 . i can't sign in to my messenger [msn] . i've tried all of the solutions above . still can not . !!! i'm so hopeless. . and i'm so confused . out of ideas now. please somebody help me .. i really really want sign in my msn , please help me . give your best solutions , or we can chat just add me : . .
please ..
i really really need. . .
thanks guys . .

Anonymous said...

i am having this problem too .. i restarted my router .. now thinking of formatting the computer :S .. tell me a quick good way of fixin this error :S!

Anonymous said...

It have been a week 80072efd error code come up. I can't check my emails, sign in to MSN, I can't even open the hotmail page at all. I have tried everything except Check the .NET Messenger Service Status. because everytime I click the link, the error page will come up. I have tried Remove any Internet Explorer proxy server settings, restarting, etc., etc., but it still come up. Now the error code switch between 80072efd and 80072eff. Someone please help me...... > <

Anonymous said...

OK, BUT HOW DO I RESET MY ROUTER?????????????????????

Anonymous said...

I'm with you anonymous from 10.07.08; GAH. Can't check my hotmail, can't get into msn groups, help pages, messenger, or webmessenger.

We have 2 desktops and one laptop. The desktops have been having this problem since maybe the 9th or 10th of July. The laptop worked fine at someone else's house until I brought it home today and now I have the same problem with it.

The ONLY thing that I changed the day before it all stopped working was upgrading to AVG free 8.0 on one of the desktops (the other has been running it for a few weeks). I have had AVG 8.0Free on the laptop for weeks and have had no problems with it or MSN.

I have tried with the firewall on and off, I have checked the exceptions to make sure messenger is included, I have checked for proxy settings, I have reset the router...

*makes very unhappy face*

demonboy said...

had this prob yesterday but managed to fix it so thought would let all you guyz no what worked for me went into my router setting screen and changed from pppoa to pppoe in connection type and working fine hope this helps any of you guyz out there

Anonymous said...

oh my god....Nothing is working at all, i need some help, seriously. ive reset my router, used all the methods above. ive checked my .net messenger status. it says it cant connect with ( I have no idea what this means.

ive deleted temporary files, cookies, history. . . .nothing works. . .

please help me

Anonymous said...

if you have norton on your comp, turn of the personal firewall, thats what was blocking me from logging in!!

Anonymous said...

wdf is a router an how do u reset it is it ur wireless coz dats da only thing dat connects me 2 da internet and dat is workin fine its just windows live messenger sum1 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me i cnt take da old msn its shit

Anonymous said...

i just re installed windows live messenger but now msn explorers not working beacause it says that windows messenger is not installed does anyone know how to fix this problem

Anonymous said...

Fixed. After deleting temp files and deleting cookies miraculously fixed it for me too.

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
If you have vista, use the Vista Firewall Control, download it here:, the free version worked for me, but choose the correct bit version (32 / 64) in accordance with your machine! It is indeed the firewall.
Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

Just restart the router that's all!

Anonymous said...

i tried everything and doesnt work for me. what to do now????

Anonymous said...

well it worked for mee..

miight just b cuz every1 has diffo comps x

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem. Infact i wasn't been able to FTP my files, connect MSN, install flash player from adobe's website etc etc etc...
Same error - Check your internet connection. While my IE was working fine...
Problem - I installed McAfee few days back.. and some how it got corrupted while installation. So the uninstaller wasn't in the control panel - Ad remove programs. Neither any of the McAfee product seemed running. But the zFirewall was running in background and blocking everything except IE. I downloaded this patch frm MCAfee -
and it uninstalled McAfee.
Everything working well now...

Anonymous said...

Easy fix, my pc clock was showing the wrong date. My husband is the one who solved this. He just changed the date back to the correct date and everything worked just fine. Hope it works for you too. Darlean

Anonymous said...

hey guys! i stumbled across this problem as well managed to fix it 2 ways, i currently installed AVG Internet Security so AVG users this could be help full:

1. AVG firewall was working over windows firewall so all i done was, turn off AVG firewall and MSN messenger works.
(but i didnt want to turn it off)

i looked into AVG firewalls history and managed to solve the problem.

2. this fix works perfectly, follow instructions and you should be fine.
on AVG interface,
click on History
then Firewall,
click on Standalone Computer,
Then Applications,
look for windows live messenger,
under Application Action,
choose Allow for all, then apply

Hope this helps...worked for me

Anonymous said...

TO FIX 80072efd, PLS TRY

Anonymous said...

I've just done:
tools - options - connection - define server... and clicked test
Then I saw a message telling me I could connect to windows live messenger. And it worked...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i got the same problem but solved it simply ,just go to your network settings ,disable your internet connection ,and wait a minute and enable it ,dont change anything about your firewall or msn connection ,ive got this problem 4 times in a year and solved it 4 times with this theory
hope it works for you guys

Anonymous said...

I've been having this problem with with messenger on my laptop.

Tried the fix that MSN:Errors shows and at first it seesm to work, but the it says that this: "Gpkcsp.ddl" failed to load because it can't be found.

I do know that something weird happened to my laptop once and it just seemed like it was just a weird glicth, but now I think it wiped some files

Anonymous said...

Hiya, My problem was with my firewall, it had decided to block the contacts file.
So if you cant find the problem try and make sure that your firewall isnt blocking any of the files needed.

For this error "wlcomm" was my problem

I Set it to allow and huzzah. Works.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you check your McAfee personal firewall settings!

Anonymous said...

Uninstall Windows Live Sign In Assistant and it works!!

I have Norton IS 09 and that wasn't the problem. I checked my router and that wasn't a problem. Tried every fix possible and they didn't help. Then only realising it was the sign-in assistant i got rid of it.

Anonymous said...

- delete cookies, temp internet files, and history.
- use Windows Live messenger > Option > Connection > Connection TroubleShooter > Start ---> repair

Try signing in again and fixed.

Hope it helps.

Anonymous said...

If you have shitty AV like Norton or McAfee installed then try disabling their firewall - that just solved it for me.

Anonymous said...


i also tried to do the methods described above but none of them worked........

i tried to remove from my firewall also..but it still did'nt worked....

Anonymous said...

i couldnt download windows live at all keot saying error code but now look at start of this page says delete net framework and go to microsoft site and download net framewrk redisbutable?? and it started working for me even got the newer version of windows its great here is what i downloaded windows XP-KB955069-x86-ENU.exe from microsoft site and this really worked for me try it u got nowt to loose

Anonymous said...

this has worked again for few of people i no having problems so at least try it let me no uf u get stuck with above info from sexykeks my email is thanks and good luck guys it worked for me

Anonymous said...

reset the router and all your problems will be solved.
Thanks to the person who found this solution. I greatly apprecitate it....your awesome.

Anonymous said...

I had tried everything on this site to get my Windows Live Messenger working....reset my router, turned off my firewall, scanned the computer for virus' and problem was a result of uninstalling Norton 360 from my Vista based system. It must have left a firewall behind. Once I downloaded a Norton Removal tool and removed the entire program, Messenger started like a charm!

Anonymous said...

Reseting works perfect, but I have to do it every day. Is there any other solution?

Anonymous said...

OMG! it worked!
For me, i went to my Bitdefender advanced settings and clicked under firewall.

And yeah apparantly i denied some of the things i need for MSN to work.. like

'wlcomm.exe' and 'fsssvc.exe'

so my worked after i allowed them.
wish all of you luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, my issue has been RESOLVED. whoop whoop and I'm glad it didn't take as long as some of you guys did (8AM - 5PM).... What I did was opened my security prog McCafe and restored Firewall settings to default. After that was done, MSN started working again. I'm thrilled, cheers.

Anonymous said...

Help anyone !
Messenger has not been signing me on for a week or so now and each time the same error code comes up. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing messenger and i am still getting the same error code.
The error code is : 8e5e0152
Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't work.

Anonymous said...

Try using RegCure you can download this for free it fixes everything for your computer to run faster. This is the site. good luck

Anonymous said...

yep, go into your MacAfee or whatever, restore default settings, and BLAM, MSN again..

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem. I use McAfee as my antivirus software and it includes a firewall function. It appears that McAfee automatically sets the Windows Live Messenger protection level to "Always Block". To change this, open McAfee Security Center, select "Internet & Network", it should list "Firewall Protection" in the list of services. Select "Configure" and then select "Advanced" in the new window.
Select "Program Permissions" from the menu at the left side. This will bring up a list of programs with their permission levels. Scroll to the bottom and check the permission level set for Windows Live Messenger. In my case, don't ask me why, it was set to "Always Block". Highlight the entry and select "Add Allowed Program". It will change the setting to "Full Access". Exit the window by selcting "OK" and close the McAfee Security Center.
This solved the problem for me and I hope it will solve your problems too.

Anonymous said...

First bit was already done, second bit worked brilliantly for me, thanks!

Anonymous said...

I had the same problem. I found that msnmsgr.exe was allowed to access the internet in my firewall (ZoneAlarm), but after the recent update a program called wlcomm.exe also needs to access the internet. When I opened up for that in the firewall everything worked again :)

Anonymous said...

It works! Thanks alot!

Anonymous said...

Hi i get this error code when ever i try to sign in 810003c1

Anonymous said...

So how do I know which port I have to open? And where do I do that? And also, how do I open the firewall to wlcomm.exe? Help!

Anonymous said...

it worked for me too :D

Anonymous said...

I found how to sort it on my computer: Mcafee AntiVirus 8.5 was installed and the maximum protection was blocking it. I found the following in the logs file:12/04/2009 21:05:48 Blocked by Access Protection rule XPDESKTOP\Lee C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\msnmsgr.exe C:\Documents and Settings\Lee\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat Anti-virus Maximum Protection:Protect cached files from password and email address stealers Action blocked : Read
Added msnmsgr.exe and hey presto

Anonymous said...

I've tried all the suggested ideas but none of them are working. It first comes up with error 8100030d which I'm unable to find on the Windows Error site. And then it saiys error 80072efd and to check the LAN settings which i have and have set them up how it was suggested to fix the problem which it has not. As well as un-installing and starting fresh.

Other users on my computer can still access their hotmail accounts except two of us, and its just our computer because we can still use these accounts on other messenger programs on other computers.
Help please its driving me INSANE!

could someone please post away to get rid of this horrid error

Anonymous said...

ok guys i had same problem but got it fixed...first check firewalls, reinstall msn and all component, if not try delete everything and install again. get red of the annoying live messenger plus things
that should help you check internet setting and above suggestion, best of luck!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Had the same problem until I checked Firewall and it was OK and checked IE settings.
Solution for me:

1. Open Internet Explorer
2. Go to Tools / Internet Options / Connections / LAN Settings and activated: "Automatically detect settings", nothing else.

Hope this helps others.

Saaaamantha said...

Yeah mines been like it for about a week now.
I've discovered that it only doesn't work on my new window live id's because I made a new id and tried it and it didn't work but I went on my old email and it works perfectly? :S I've tried EVERYTHING people are saying above but it still isn't working, its sooo annoying, I just want to go on msn messenger again instead of crappy web messengers haha, somebody help me pleaase?

Rosy said...

OMG! I know your frustration, and like all of these people, i tried everything. ONLY to find out, the date on my computer was wrong and all i had to do was change it...and VOILA! Windows freaking Live Messenger worked.

Unknown said...

Here's a clue: I turned off Zone Alarm and Live Messenger started up, but I lose it when I go into hibernation or turn it off. Have to turn off ZA every time. I don't know how to fix it, but maybe someone will devise a fix and email me at

Unknown said...

goodness i have tried EVERYTHING i could and yet i get the same error about checking my firewall problem started when i upgraded to the newest version of messenger. even then i couldn't sign in cuz it was telling me that my contact list was unavailable. i uninstalled that version and reinstalled windows live and now this. Been having this problem for a couple weeks now. meebo and ebuddy is definitely not cutting it for me. lol. HELP!!!

Deb said...

I have tried everything. But still nothing.Please someone HELP am beggin.

Anonymous said...

o_o i spent a day pissed off at the messenger cause i couldnt' figure out what was wrong i'm glad to see you all went through crap to let me know how to fix it just restarting the router wow it worked. thanks =]

Anonymous said...

i have just changed from dial up to bt broadband, and we have tried everything possible.
i have phoned for help, but they said everything was in working order...
i have a home hub as part of bt, and it is working correctly with no problems.
it wont let me sign in and it keeps saying there is a problem with key ports.
Plz help!

Jale said...

I have tried everything. But I fix problem simple with restart modem and now work. I have same problem on two computers and restart modem fix that 80072efd.

Anonymous said...

yeah, I've tried just about EVERYTHING! I've been working hours on end to try and find someone to help fix this...and nothen's happening. Does the msn team even know how to fix this problem? Judging from the fact that all these people are still having this problem means no. So please msn team, try looking into it. in now

jessen said...

Hi, i just solve the error code 80072efd. Try go to internet option/tool/advanced. Then click on the Restore Defaults. After this, try log in again. Hope it will help. Good Luck

Anne said...

thanks for the INFO~~ i got it....=)

Anonymous said...

thanks jessen
its work~
thank you very much xD

Michael said...

I was having the same problems.Run WLM and i cannot sign in and i also lost my connection to the internet. I went to start and run and entered regsvr32 MSXML3.dll then re-started WLM and got a message saying an error had occurred and all scripts were now disabled. I could then sign in. This may help you

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I have been having this problem for 2 days now, since my friends all still seem to have msn I guess its not the server, I havent been signed in msn messenger for 2 weeks and now I am getting the error,

I have tried ALL the things that are posted on this site and so far nothing has worked for me, also I am not able to access my email, nor web messenger...

I would be greatfull for any suggestions.

Anonymous said...

Gaah, you people need too talk in a language that people that dont know much about computers can understand.

i dont have windows xp i have windows vista, all the methods i have read have said too use the regsvr32 softpub.dll thing, but i have rread somewhere that that only works for xp.

i am having the keyports thing and it is Frusturating, all you people trying to controdict eachother so that you can prove that you are right doesnt help People fix the problem.
my computre has been like this for weeks and it has finally got me too the point where i am about to Get it completley cleared, but then i remembered that it was working fine until my computer needed rebooting and cleared everything off.
Now stop using your nerdy talk and say it in a language that people that dont know much can understand please?
sorry if i sound mean but it is Frussturating when you cant understand anything that can potentually help you.

Anonymous said...

U know no offence but none of the solutions work.. i have 3 mobile and i have a desktop that doesnt allow me to access msn with the code error 80072efd. I want my msn to work. It seems to work fine on my laptop.. Ive tried changing the option on msn and internet browser. its not my fire wall.. i dont know if i have a router.. HELP would be appreciated

Anonymous said...

Ok, I finally found what my problem was... I tried changing settings on my router's good, tried changing window's firewall good. Finally I realized that my vista came with McAfee and it has a firewall this is how I made it work...
Step one
right click on McAfee logo in bottom right corner click "change settings"

Step two, click on "configure" on the left hand side

Step Three, click on "Internet and Network" under configure also on the left

Step Four, There is a section now that says "firewall protection enabled", click on the Advanced button.

Step Five, on the left hand side there is a list of options, click "Program Permissions"

Step Six, In the list of programs scroll down until you find "windows live messenger"
*note, if you see a file called messenger but its next to "Program no longer exists" this isn't the right one, keep scrolling down.

Step Seven, Once you find windows live messenger click on it so it is highlighted.

Step Eight, in the bottom right there is now an "Action" section, click "Allow Access" then click "Apply" at the bottom of the window and you're finished.

If this was the problem, it is now fixed and you can sign in, (you may have to close messenger completely if it's been open in the background and reopen and sign in.)

Anonymous said...

thank u jason

Candia said...

Hey , Errr .. I tried the method given for erroe colde 80072efd but it didnt work .. How man .. I cant sign in for a few days already ..

Anonymous said...

I disabled the firewall on my anit-virus program. Now i can sign on to Messenger.

Anonymous said...

Jason you Genius!!

Steven said...

Hi .. the main problem of me is I cannot reach the websites of MSN, and I cannot connect .NET Messenger Service ... How to solve it? Thanks

Anonymous said...

thank you so much for your help!

Unknown said...

This worked perfectly. Thanks. Am online again

Anonymous said...

im having troubles with it as well.

"Windows Live Messenger error code 80072efd"

i uninstalled my messenger and install the previous version
(Windows Live Messenger 8.1) and it's working now. Successfully signed in without problems.

Anonymous said...

The following solution helped me to get my msn wok again:
Deleted my temporary files and cookies from IE. (Even though I never use IE)

Anonymous said...

I was getting this error too. Then I uninstalled AIM, and now it works perfectly. Try backing up all contact info for any other IM programs you have installed then uninstall them. If it works, it is because the other IM program was interfering. This also fixed my problem with media go not connecting to the playstation store server

Kayls said...

*I fixed my problem*
All I did was (since I have messenger plus installed) go to my computer and "Uninstall or change a program"
then click on messenger plus! and it gives you an option to like repair messenger or something. click on that and it worked :)

YH said...

Jason suggested solution works for me... it is not the first time McAfee to block program access without notification....

Anonymous said...

i just fixed mine was a virus scanner running the firewall and all i did was make sure the setting was set to the correct thing

Anonymous said...

Yes Jason's suggestion really works!...

Thanks Jason...i've been trying to fix this thing for over a month now and nothing I tried worked, until now...

XxzzxX said...

wright please someone geeky or something lol help me! i just got a girlfriend monday and i cant talk to her! because my msn ses error code 8007245 summit like tht and i tryed so much i master reset my comp and everything any help? please email me at =D

Dannie said...

O just installed window live messenger, the latest version, and after
installation, i cant log in. so i wanted to uninstall and reinstall the messenger.
but i couldnt find WLM at the uninstall list, so i deleted the whole folder of
window live messenger. but when i reinstall-ed WLM from wlsetup-custom.exe, the
programme states that i already have WLM installed on my computer, when in fact, i
dnt have it on my computer, as i just removed it. i would be very pleased if you can
help me with this issue.

and another problem ( not abt WLM) , i jus updated my internet explorer and i cant
use the new internet explorer 8 to log in to hotmail and also cant go to some other
website. but i can still visit if i use mozilla.

thanks for your time and your help.

Anonymous said...

I gave up now (IT expert). Messenger really sucks !!! Yet another unstable Microshit that forces you to update and keeps you busy for hours after for nothin' to fix shit that was working before !! What a f*** ! I will get Skype now, maybe go to Linux as well. MS you MF !!!!

Anonymous said...

i can't login in windows live it is ruter but i don't now what ports to set?

Unknown said...

My client was getting the 80072efd error in Live Messenger. After all the antivirus scans, regsistry cleaning, firewall checks, and Microsoft updates, I still could not connect to the Windows Live Messenger. Finally, I reset the wireless modem and it worked fine. It seemed that dns was somehow corrupt and this fixed it. Hope this helps someone.

Heather said...

Wow, seems to be affecting a lot of people this way... Same deal with me, was working fine this morning - nothing changed, I didn't even update it since this morning, and suddenly its refusing to sign me in at all. I've gone through all the procedures, even played with my network settings, its nothing to do with my firewalls, etc. Nada. Hope it gets fixed soon, its a little irritating lol.

Anonymous said...

Hi. When i open windows live messenger it enters to msn but it says "Your contact list is not available right now, please try again later"Error code 80072efd.I am online but it shows nobody in my contact list.Please help me.What i should do?I entered windows help site but nothing helped...
What is linksis router how can i reset it please someone explain it to e mail

Anonymous said...

hi i have an error 8100027b on my messenger and is not connected, anybody have an idea?

Alan with an Eh said...

If nothing else worked, try this.

Open up a command prompt (you must Run as Administrator - type in the search bar Command Prompt, right click the resulting Command Prompt line to Run as Administrator and enter a password as required). Enter the following command:

netsh winhttp reset proxy

Enjoy. Occasionally the proxies change in background to localhost. You need to reset this to direct otherwise nothing else connects except I.E.

Amateur at Best, Master of Nothing.

JuanP said...

it works!

Anonymous said...

Uninstalling Windows Live ID Sign-In Assistant did the trick for me.

Michael H. said...

Hi, if you want to get rid of that problem, I suggest to remove all temporary files of msn messenger:

%TMP%\messenger cache\
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts\
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MSN Messenger\

This did the trick for me at least 3 or 4 times.


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