Repair Windows Live Messenger
1. In the notification area on the taskbar (near the clock), click the Messenger icon, and then click Exit.
2. On the taskbar, click Start, and then click Control Panel.
3. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
4. Under Currently installed programs, click Windows Live Messenger, and then click Change.
5. Click Repair.
this is working...
Is Anyones Else's Msn Not Letting Them Sign On Or Is It Just Mine?
Does anyone know why emoticons would suddenly stop working?
have you tried resetting your router?
man its annoying as hell
on my laptop windows live screws up every once in a while.. doesnt let my account sign in.. IDIOTS im so mad aghh
welll i cant type this sux i cant even repair it cas i cant findthe addromove stuff:(
my account won't let me sign in everytime i try to click the sign in button it makes a beeping sound
well ive uninstalled-reinstalled many msn and windows live messengers,i tried repairing msn under add/remove,ive restoring windows registery,updated windows updates,restarted windows,downloaded old versions/the newest versions of msn/windows live,ive done everthing and im still getting the message 'this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect'. i can only ever sign into windows messenger (the one thats built into xp) but its so dated :(
thx ()()()(working0()()()
video conversations dont work for me
any1 know y
help!!!! i tried to repair it but it wouldnt workkk
my msn live isnt working. cause everytime i try to change my display pic, is says invalid image, but even the pictures they give you say that when you try to change them. anyone else have that problem?
my msn isnt letting me sign in either. even after i did the repair thing
Well Mine Started Saying I Had An Error And To Try Reinstalling the progame. I Have Tried So Many Times And Removed MSN And Stoped It Startign up when i singnd In But Everytime I Try To Install It, It Just Opens My Old Msn And I Sign In Then After A Couple Of Clicks It Stops Working !
What Do I Do ? =(
I Need Msn .
hey i can log into windows live messenger but it will automatically sign me out a few seconds after i log in. this is rlly frustrating. help!!!
its not letting me type and its so annoying
hey can anyone help me my msn work fine but when i clik on something else i have to bring windowws live messenger down to the task bar is it wont let me bring any thing up infront of it its driving me mad can anyone help
whoever posted the comment that your msn doesnt log on mine doesn't either so thats very gay ha
ps: are we anonynmous
pss: Im awesome don't forget.
From anonymous
"Under Currently installed programs, click Windows Live Messenger, and then click Change."
When I try this, nothing happens.
everytime im on msn, after 5 mins i stop getting messages from ppl im talking to and then i'll sign me out and back in....its annoyinggg as f%^&........
When ever i send an emoticon it shows up on the screen of the person i sent it to but only the name of the emoticon shows up on mine.. also when ever someone sends me an emoticon only the name of it shows up on my side.. how can I fix this problem?
had to load the latest messenger live and guess what problems when i write a message there is no send buttom on the bottom right so how do i send a message???
windows live is installed on the system but it wont pop up to let me sign on? can anyone help?
Does anyone know why my emoticons just stoped appearing on my window as i try to type them in or use them?
Are u sure this are gonna work?
on trying to install windows live messenger on windows xp it says i already have it installed , but there are no icons on my pc nor is windows live messenger or windows essentials on my add/ remove programme list, i cant even download any other form of msn messenger as it says i have the latest
me too , on trying to install windows live messenger on windows xp it says i already have it installed , but there are no icons on my pc nor is windows live messenger or windows essentials on my add/ remove programme list, i cant even download any other form of msn messenger as it says i have the latest
hi e.k your emoitons is not working so ...1st step is tools show emoticons !!! do you know what gsi means??
i've tryed to log onto my msn on several different occassions, it trouble shoots i press repair, but it comes up with wireless, but it will not fix. my internet is connected properly other wise i wouldn't be writing you this comment right now. i've tryed to do what you have written above, still didn't work for me.. i've also tryed un-installing this msn, and re installing an older version. help please!
Everytime im signed in msn, 5 minutes later, it signs out, then when i sign in, 2 minutes later it will sign out
help me please?
it keeps saying my passwords incorrect ive even rester my password
My Msn mssenger wont let me talk to anyone it keeps saying the following message could not be sent , to everyone , is this happenining to just me?
PLEASE HELP ME ANYONE! everytime i try to send a message it says ''message could ot be delivered'' or something, its really REALLY annoying. >_>
''message could ot be delivered''
get with it microsoft
tried to connect to messenger but was told had to install new version. Clicked on download and took 45 minutes and then told me couldn't install Messenger,and this was after using 50megs!! What do I do now?
I went to install the updates Windows live demanded for its newer version and it would not install. It said I needed to Uninstall the program first. So off to the control panel to uninstall only to find there was NO MSN at all !! So Ive done a system restore. That bought back the little green man and all that comes with MSN ?? Okay, I try to update yet Again, still a no go. It WIPES OUT EVERYTHING Again !! No Reference to MSN at all. So I go to do a System restore again, NOW it Wont Allow me to Go back again, Im Stuck !! HEEELLLPP ANYONE PLEASE??
guyz,can any1 tell me what i can do with my msn,i cant log in,i cant start it,i cant see it in add-remove programas,and if i try to reinstall it says i already have instaled msn,sry for bad eng,pls help me
I've uninstalled msn, but i cant install the new one. I tried it before uninstalling the other one, but it wouldn't work :/ help?
everytime i log on msn I keep getting this send error report then when i send it or dont send it shuts off my msn, tried reinstalling it nothing helps I ddont know what to do, anyone else having this problem?
thanxxxxxxx alot . it realy worked with me
my msn would sign in then sign itself out again but all my familys is fine! whats the problem? and how do i fix it? please help me, i cant live without it.
does anyone get the problem when you change your pm, name tag, pic etc. but when you sign out and back in it changes back to what it was?
every time after about 5 minuites it starts sending links to everyone i havent got a virus because ive checked ??
on trying to install windows live messenger on windows xp it says i already have it installed , but there are no icons on my pc nor is windows live messenger or windows essentials on my add/ remove programme list, i cant even download any other form of msn messenger as it says i have the latest
I got this problem :S, 8e5e05f6 :s
I downloaded some new web Cam software and then I finlly got iot working then 3days later my Windows Live mess jusr=t crapped out. I tried a repair, it did it not work, it got worse. So I decided to remove it and reinstall a new fresh version the Windows Live Web site did not allow me to download Messenger 9 again. It kept telling me the same :
"You already have this program", So I am unable to install it. Now I am with out My Web Cam and without my Messenger (I ready to scream) and another Microsopft Blunder, Too Busy helping Gates count his Money, So I did the Claen Install step by step to get another copy of Windows Live Mess 9... thank goodness My Outlook Express still works...
everytime i sign on it doesn't sign in it just goes on and on, then if i cancel sing in it makes my laptop slow?
let bill gates shove his windows up his ass
man i don't know what is the problem i login to my windows live hotmail webpage and it freezes i can't even close it and my messenger won't open i need help someone please help me
Okay I can sign in, and use MSN perfectly.
When I sign in I get an error report telling me to "Send" or "Don't Send"
I just hide this error report in the corner of my screen because if I "Send" or "Don't Send" it logs me out of MSN.
This doesn't bother me much but it screws up full screen games forcing me to play them windowed or else it lags like a PS3 on dialup.
This worked for me on the last laptop that i had but in this new one i only have problems when it logs in, it logs in but the page dosn't load and i can't chat..please can someone tell me what to do?
I recently downloaded an upgrade, but now I don't get to use single webcams, only videocalls. I don't even get an options. As soon as I click on the webcam icon, it starts a videocall. Do you know how I can fix this without having to downgrade to a really old version? Thanks in advance. Good blog!
July 29 2010
To all the Users experiencing a lot of problems trying to download or reinstall the newest version of Windows Live Messenger... First of all : The Windows Live Messenger needs a "CLEAN INSTALL" "Add and Remove programs" from the control panel does not clean it enough.
This link below is what you have to use. Take care using it. but it will allow you to Erase and Remove the Old Messengers you used. Once you download and run his App. It will allow you to remove all the instances of the Windows Live Messenger. Live essentials and all
MSN's - ONLY !!!! Erase and remove them one by one. After that Restart and then you have done A Total removal - ready for your Clean Install. But again only the Windows Live, and windows Live Messenger and the MSN "ONLY"! TAKE CARE USING THIS ! Once you removed all Windows Live Messenger and/or MSN from You sys ten. Then it will allow you a CLEAN INSTALL, I had so many problems with WLM but it Noe works fine after I lost my MSN. Paste this Link in your Browser and Install it.
One you do the above MSN and the last Windows Live is Gone forever, Allowing you a brand New Install.
I know, I know windows should have installed this in your system and do it automatically, But Hey ! The Local computer shops need your Money too... But It takes a while to get used to it but Once the above is done in One Month of Chatting you forget about MSN. Note : Windows has removed this Utility fron their Catalog for the Dangers It Poses to unexperienced Users.
When I'm on msn, everything's okay accept my status appears as 'away' but it won't let me change my status to 'available' but it will let me change it to 'busy' and 'appear offline' I went on control panel and went on 'repair' and it worked, but a couple of days later, the same happened again. I went to repair it but it's not working. I don't want to uninstall msn just in case I won't have it anymore. What do I do? :/
when i log in to msn it automatically sign me out n i don't know why ?
I try restarting my computer n that did not work any 1 has other ideas ??
ok heres a good one, my msn works when it feels like it, cannot receive any offline message now, unless im online people cannot message me, in the middle of a conversation i apparently go offline and they cant see me i write to people and nothing comes up thier end can someone help :(
I have the same problem. I tried to uninstall the windows live messenger from add/remove program but i cant find the windows live messenger. I guess re-installing the program might fix this.
I guess, some of the windows live components was infected with a virus and quarantined. when i removed my antivirus, the components got deleted.
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